The Threes: Come Together


Tarot cards, from left to right: 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 3 of Wands, 3 of Swords

The Dance of Interdependence

I adore the threes. In the Major Arcana, the three is the card of The Empress, who is a bit of a role model for me. Three is also my Birth Number. But the reason I love threes so much is that they demonstrate the interconnectedness of our souls and the common threads woven throughout the experience of being human.

We clearly see this in the image of the three figures seemingly dancing in the Three of Cups. They hoist their cups in joyful exuberance as they stand on their tiptoes to get those cups as high in the air as they can. Each is acting independently in that they choose to be there and are dressed in different outfits and colors. Their coming together, however, is symbolic of the understanding that humans thrive in connection with one another. 

In this corporeal experience, our ego self operates seemingly independently as it checks things off of its "to do" list and deals with a myriad of mundane details. We accomplish and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, sometimes blind to all the people who played a crucial part - directly or otherwise - in our success. 

There is value and wisdom in seeking out the guidance of others, of looking to others to teach us new skills and concepts. The Three of Pentacles is a perfect representation of the importance of sharing knowledge, skills, and talents for the greater good. 

Energy is everywhere. It is never lost, only transferred. What we put out into the world will come back to us in some form or fashion. The Three of Wands shows up when we are seeing our imagined reality begin to take shape as a result of the energy we are given and are now receiving back.

The pain of disappointment and despair is a universally-understood experience. We may feel alone in our Three of Swords moments, or may purposely shut people off to protect ourselves from further discomfort. Yet, we can look to others - friends, family, therapists - to help us remove the daggers so the wounds can begin to heal.

Our interconnectedness make take the form of a learning opportunity or mentorship. It may be acts of mutual support among friends. Perhaps we are watching our "pay it forward" moments coming back to us. Or, maybe we seek out others to share the pain of our heartbreak. While independence is important in certain circumstances, interdependence - they recognition that we are all in this together - is vital for any life worth living.


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